
NEC Partner Recuitment

When you partner with NEC, you share in the success of a leader in Enterprise Solutions including UC and IT. With NEC’s Unified Communications solutions, collaborating, conferencing and messaging all become more immediate and flexible.

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How will the Internet of Things be Strategic to the Enterprise?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is quickly becoming entrenched in both consumer and enterprise IT as both a technology priority and a buzzword. As IT practitioners continue the ongoing evaluation of the rapidly growing array of IT tools and technologies available to the Enterprise, it might be time to ...

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Government accreditation of NEC's UNIVERGE 3C platform opens many doors

In 2014, NEC's UNIVERGE 3C software-based unified communications and collaboration solution was accredited by an organization that arguably demands the most stringent and rigorous standards in the world: the United States Department of Defense (DoD). Kurt Jacobs fostered a successful ...

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3 Questions Answered about IT Modernization in Government

In February 2010, the Department of Defense created the Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative (FDCCI) to reverse the historic growth of Federal data centers. The FDCCI has been seeking to curb this unsustainable increase by reducing the cost of data center hardware, software, and operations; ...

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How Secure is the Cloud? Your Questions Answered

Cloud security is a hot discussion topic these days. Security is one of the main reasons that many business leaders have been slow to adapt to the cloud. Keeping data on premises makes business and IT leaders feel more secure. But lately there seems to be a shift—the cloud tipping point ...

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Selling Tips from NEC

Selling Tips from NECDiscover an abundance of selling hints and tips from the NEC portfolio in our new look blog. These will cover a variety of industries and business pain points – and how the NEC portfolio of features can resolve these. You can also follow us on Twitter (@NECEnterprise).

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NEC Resource Center - How to Choose a Cloud or SaaS Vendor

Choosing a cloud and SaaS vendor can be tricky for SMBs with small IT organizations and larger corporations looking to lower operating costs. There are many benefits to choosing cloud or SaaS over on-premises but the route to those benefits is not always risk-free.  Difficulty vetting ...

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3 Tips for Avoiding Network Downtime in Hotels

With all the negative reporting around economic recoveries, it’s always nice to hear a little good news. Each year, hoteliers around the world see larger chunks of money spent on travel. In 2013, Americans spent 887.9 billion dollars on travel alone, with about 19% of that total going ...

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What does WebRTC do for the Enterprise?

" With the New Year nearly upon us, now is the time to scrutinize new technologies, business strategies, and capabilities. How will they fit your enterprise? Will they live up to the hype? WebRTC is an emerging open source project that aims to enable the web with real-time communications ...

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Can Teams Collaborate Effectively While Working Remotely?

It’s estimated that telecommuters will total 3.9 million people by 2016.The question remains though—can work-from-home teams collaborate effectively with the help of technology? telecommuting change in a memo, saying, "To become the absolute best place to work, communication and ...

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NEC Ranks Highest in Customer Service, Trust, and Technology

Our unified communications (UC) customers have always said that NEC provides highly reliable communications solutions designed to support their unique businesses, and industry analysts have also agreed. Recently, Nemertes Research surveyed 500 IT decision-makers to determine how they rate their ...

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Contact Center Metrics: The Importance of First Call Resolution

Tech professionals love their acronyms, and FCR—First Call Resolution in customer service industries and contact centers is no different. Lately, it seems every vertical industry has its vocabulary; with an acronym for every ideology, methodology, principle, and strategy. Most of these terms ...

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BYOD and BYOA: The State of Mobility Adoption

BYOD and BYOA: How Devices and Apps Function Together to Improve Business Productivity and Employee Efficiency Mobile devices are completely ingrained in our daily lives. They entertain, remind, socialize, and manage us. They are our personal authentication key to the world around us. They are ...

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What to look for when creating a Unified Communications RFP

Examining the Enterprise Connect Unified Communications RFP Results Each year at Enterprise Connect, a mock Request for Proposal (RFP) session is held. The mock RFP is a simulation of the requests that enterprises and government agencies put out when looking for a new unified communications ...

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7 Reasons to Consider Cloud-based Unified Communications Services

The productivity benefits of Unified Communications (UC) continue to be recognized as it moves into mainstream adoption. As organizations consider how best to deploy, there are a number of factors to consider. This post focuses on the top reasons to consider Unified Communications as a Service ...

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Making Mobile People More Productive

In today’s flexible and fast-moving business environment, employees are never in one place for very long. Workers can be just about anywhere: at the office, between appointments, on business travel or working from home. Because of that mobility, they need a mobile device that enables them to ...

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