Cloud Delivery

Achieving the promise of cloud computing

Realizing the Right Cloud

A move to the cloud can be daunting. Choosing a dedicated environment for the right workload is paramount as is supporting appropriate business functions right-sized to actual use and degrees of risk tolerance.

Whether the approach is private, public or hybrid or infrastructure, platform, communications or software as a service, cloud initiatives rely on strategies that make the most sense for a specific task and particular outcome. Deciding what, when and how to move is as critical as ensuring that the resulting environment or service is collectively secure and compliant. Pay-to-grow takes a practical approach to meet fluctuating growth demands. And, while feasibility assessments set realistic baselines, they are vital in arriving at an understanding of cloud readiness.

Find the Right Fit

As an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) leader with more than 117 years of expertise, NEC combines its advance technologies, services and knowledge to provide fully integrated cloud solutions that combine with comprehensive delivery options all from a single provider.

Dedicated cloud environments are most beneficial when you:

Consider the whole process

Seamless integration and performance and a consistent user experience must be considered holistically to circumvent disruptions, delays or lackluster results.

Estimate scope of deployment

Modularity of migration and resource commitment should be determined to know how much can be actually achieved to ensure expectations are adequately managed.

Gauge admin

Determine capacity to fit into existing infrastructure and processes to avoid time-consuming and disruptive operational modifications.

Ensure the ability to scale

Scale and scope of deployment needs to be evaluated against known and assumed requirements and process scenarios to ensure requirements are met.

Support converged applications

Combining varied applications and rich services into a single comprehensive collaborative solution optimizes performance and conserves resources.

Become Cloud Enabled - Join the Movement with Us

With NEC's leading IT and Communications cloud solutions and services, businesses are able to right-size their IT organization, unite a geographically dispersed workforce, increase customer responsiveness and bring value to the enterprise through additional dexterity.

Our cloud-based communications and infrastructure solutions enhance flexibility and responsiveness by helping to:

Lower overhead costsLower overhead costs
Maintenance and upgrades are a thing of the past while pay-to-grow planning aligns services and solutions based on actual need.

Ensure ongoing relevanceEnsure ongoing relevance
Fast provisioning of applications, features and services provide a level of agility unattainable through in-house administration.

Deliver unparalleled infrastructureDeliver unparalleled infrastructure
A robust suite of cloud solutions provides high available and cost efficient alternatives in scale and scope to meet rapidly evolving enterprise requirements.

Achieve access continuityAchieve access continuity
The highest level of security and performance becomes possible with award-winning technologies that offer redundancy and recovery protections and issue resolution.

Unsure how best to achieve the most efficient and cost-effective workforce?

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