
Built-In Brilliance: Intelligent and cost-effective SL2100 Communications System offers SMB's enterprise-grade UCC and mobility


Smart Hospitality

The Right Solution for The Right Hotel

Smart Solutions

NEC's Solutions for smart enterprise

Cultivating an environment primed for competitive efficiencies

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Smart Healthcare

Helping to deliver the right medical treatment faster

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Realize Your Connected Potential

Improving the way people live, work and communicate

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Smart Transformation

With so many disruptive changes to the market, the question now stands: will you smart transform or be left behind?
Hybrid Cloud Services, Real-Time Collaboration, High Available Devices, On-Demand Generation and Contextual Analysis are all part of a rapidly evolving technology ecosystem that NEC is enabling with new approaches to how Communications and IT services are delivered and managed to drive new ways for business to grow.

Redefining the Rules
of Engagement

What does it take to succeed in today’s fast moving business environment? Success depends on a responsive workforce outfitted with adaptive solutions for anytime, anywhere access.

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Growth through Flexible Deployment

Cloud computing holds the promise of scaling to meet demand quickly, easily and economically. This is best achieved when enterprise requirements and potential risk concerns are managed simultaneously.

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Fostering alliances across and beyond boundaries

Cultivating a collaborative atmosphere has never been more vital. Responsiveness depends on simple yet specific techniques that promote openness and transparency to achieve a dynamic and informed work environment.

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Designed for Continuity

Readily available access to information, applications and people is the underpinning to any mission-critical environment. Yet without fully automated redundancy and recovery as well as collaborative practices, ease of access will be hampered by sporadic disruptions.

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