Fault Tolerance ease of set-up comparison: NEC hardware-based FT vs. software-based FT

Achieve scalable fault tolerance with less hassle

Because no enterprise can afford downtime or data loss when a component of one of their servers fails, fault tolerance is vital. Wle many effective software-based fault-tolerance solutions are available, a hardware-based approach such as that employed by the NEC Express5800/R320d-M4 servers, powered by Intel Xeon® processors E5-2670 v2, can be simpler to set up.

IT staff time is precious, and managing an enterprise datacenter full of servers can be time-consuming and expensive. having extra componenets to procure, maintain, and worry about, can also add to IT work burden. If your staff can streamline the process of setting up fault-tolerant servers and VMs, they won't need to spend precious time ensuring that VMs are running in fault-tolerance mode and will be able to work on more important issues.