NEC High Availability Solutions for Hospitality

Positive customer experiences are paramount for all businesses, yet they are particularly important to the hospitality industry. Built upon the ideal of uncompromising customer service, the highly competitive hospitality industry pushes hoteliers to continually create guest experiences that engage, entertain, and satisfy. In this “era of you,” guests are looking for more comfort, convenience, and personalization. Whether traveling for business or leisure, people want a seamless environment where they can do what they want, when they want, regardless of where they are. At the heart of this transformation, for both hospitality management and their guests, is technology. Competitive advantage and revenue growth in the hospitality industry demands a high level of personalization and attention to detail. Many hotel guests today want ubiquitous connectivity during their stay. High-tech amenities help to improve customer satisfaction and increase revenue per room. Successful hospitality management has taken advantage of what technology has to offer as a strategic differentiator for their property.

Beyond serving as the foundation for business operations and the delivery of guest services, technology has become a powerful conduit for learning the priorities and opinions of their guests. Real-time guest feedback analysis can even fine-tune marketing campaigns, and create guest engagement on an individualized basis. This indispensable insight helps to satisfy guest expectations and develop relationships that foster loyalty and, ultimately, repeat business.