NEC Vision for Social Value Creation

NEC Vision 2017-  Looking ten years ahead

NEC is committed to realizing a society that embodies the values of Safety, Security, Efficiency and Equality. This is why we are focusing our efforts on leveraging Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) to create advanced 'Solutions for Society' that resolve various social issues.

As the world population continues to increase and concentrate into urban areas, the demand for energy, water, food and other resources is skyrocketing. There is also a growing need to ensure the safety and security of cities with intertwined risks facing the global environment and societies. Eventually, the current social infrastructure becomes unable to support people's day-to-day lives.

To build a sustainable society, we must use our ICT assets to renew our social infrastructures, exploiting developments like artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. Through these processes, NEC is committed to providing value to our customers and working together with them to create a brighter future.